Harleston Players Resource page

Dick Barton

Everything stops for for tea

Full Tune

Scarheart: This is really very special I know that you'll enjoy the quality You' ll have yourself a ball With what's in store - (Lady Laxington takes a sip of tea and reacts pleasurably.) - Everything stops for tea. Lady Laxington: My goodness I've gone giddy I'm spinning extra-ordin-arily I feel I could fly Mr Barton try - (Snowy takes a sip of tea.) - Everything stops for tea. Snowy: (cockney again.)"Universally acknowledged" What am I on about? I'll have another cuppa The brew is really pucka Let's not hang about Lady Laxington & Snowy: What is this funny feeling? I'm grinning like a monkey up a tree. Lady Laxington: It's so awfully queer Won't you join us dear? Daphne: No, I don't drink tea The others: What! Snowy: Oh the factories may be roaring With a zoomalaka, zoomalaka - Lady Laxington: Whee! Snowy: But there isn't any roar When the clock strikes four Lady Laxington & Snowy: Everything stops for tea. Lady Laxington: It's a very good English custom Though the weather be cold or hot If you need a little pick up Be sure a little tea cup Will always hit the spot. Scarheart: Oh a lawyer in a courtroom In the middle of an alimony plea Has to stop and let it fall When the clock strikes four Lady Laxington/Snowy/Scarheart: Everything stops for tea. Snowy: From cups of finest china It's the tipple of the aristocracy And the working class Have their thermos flasks Lady Laxington/Snowy/Scarheart: Everything stops for tea. Daphne: Father is in trouble Why will no one understand (To Snowy) How can you sit sipping tea When danger stalks the land? Goodbye Lady Laxington Forgive me if I run There's a bonny scotsman I know will get things done. (She exits.) Snowy/Lady Laxington: When a Scotsman's feeling thirsty Whisky is his partiality But it won't give him a buzz Like a tea leaf does Everything stops for tea. Everyone: Don't trust a fancy bev'rage No matter if it has a pedigree Who could ask for more When the clock strikes four Everything stops for tea!